Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Growing My Hair Out ?

I am a male and I have been growing my hair out since june, i have kind of thick hair and it looks very big, i use good shampoo and conditoners usually American Crew or Redken but i notice my hair looks very thick, are there any tips to growing it out long and how to prevent it from getting too thick, i don;'t want to have that heavy feeling


Growing My Hair Out ?

go to a salon and tell the stylist you want to thin your hair

she/he will use these special kind of scissors that thin out your hair making it look less full and makes it weigh less

Growing My Hair Out ?

You can thin it out but it won't help much, its just the way your hair is, its frustrating yes, but you just got to find a style that suits your hair, everyone is different, try combing and styling it different

Growing My Hair Out ?

have your stylist thin it out

Growing My Hair Out ?

Thining your hair does help, especially very thick hair.

Growing My Hair Out ?

Thinning your hair will take some of the thickness out, but it won't look very healthy... I suggest cutting it shorter because it will give u a clean, respectable look. If u really want to keep ure long hair then use a straightner on it for extra effect!

Growing My Hair Out ?

rub ur scalp with olive oil

Growing My Hair Out ?

You could go to the salon and have some of the bulk taken out of it, have your stylist thin it out a bit but leave the length, it will probably give you some good texture as well.

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