I am a boy and I want longer hair. The thing is when my hair gets longer, it looks too big ang frizzy... Is there a special kind of shampoo out there to thin out hair?... Or is there anything at all to help? Thanks!
Hair too thick?
There are shampoos that could help to straighten your hair, but your best bet would be to go to the salon and ask for your hair to be thinned,and maybe even chemically altered.
Good day.
Hair too thick?
ask your hairdresser to thin it out
Hair too thick?
get it cut thiner
Hair too thick?
Just get your hair thined out! there is no shampoo I know off...but hey! im 13! I dont know anything!
but alot of my guy friends get there hair thined out!
Hair too thick?
get it professionally straighten or get a perm
Hair too thick?
get layers or get it thinned! or try a smoth and sleek shampoo and conditioner and then use a flat iron the the dry hair to smoth it and it will seem thinner (dont laugh i've known plenty of guys that used em!!)
good luck!
Hair too thick?
it nothing gonna do with shampoo..
go to the hair dresser and layer your hair and would look cool..
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