topics. The talk turns to religion. The barber says he doesn't believe in God. Ed asks why? The barber says because if there was a God there would'nt be homeless people, people needing food, little water, %26amp; have to beg. He said he can't believe in a God that would allow such things. Ed leaves. On his way down the street he sees some guy that looks like he hasn't had a shower in months, long dirty oily hair, tattered cloths,standing next to a big box. Ed asks the dirty guy to come with him. They go to the barber and Ed says "I don't believe in barbers" The barber says "yes there are, I'm a barber, I just cut your hair. Ed says "Then why are there poor guys like this person that need a hair cut, shave, friendship,a shower and live in a box on the very same street as this barber shop? A real barber wouldn't allow this to happen. If there are barbers-this guy would have a haircut, cleanliness, food, %26amp; a home. A barber wouldn't allow this in his own neighborhood. -- Atheist- Get the idea??
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Dude, you're question is absolutely ILLUMINATING. I can't believe this. Someone on Answers can actually THINK!!
Atheism is just another tired superstition, another ho-hum belief. It's for people who can ONLY count to two. And those two things they can come up with when thinking about religion is the Walt Disney version of Christianity or the Carl Sagan version of cosmology. "wasted space..." PuhLEEZE! That's like when Columbus came to America and said "Great. There's nobody here."
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
God doesn't need to make money by cutting peoples' hair.
edit: Please, religious people, learn that plural nouns have an "s" at the end. Thank you.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
No, I don't.
Is this your way of saying God is incompetent?
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Please stop trying to use your flawed logic to support religion.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
LOL, is this an argument stance? Sounds like false reasoning to me.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Look. You are not going to convert atheists by putting up some story like that. They are just like you: Set in their ways! And not all atheists would refuse to help a homeless man, just like not all Christians are likely to even give the man a second glance.
Live and let live, man.
-The Gnostic Christian
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
your god is a barber alright.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Are you claiming that barbers are omniscient and omnipotent?
Or that your god is neither?
A barber makes his living providing a particular service (haircuts and shaves) for payment. He generally doesn't sort out tattered clothing and housing.
Most people wouldn't make their decison about whether such a person exists on the basis of others' grooming and housing needs.
The one person who is well groomed in this story, Ed, claims not to believe in barbers.
So, yeah, as an atheist I'm struggling to understand your point, and what analogy you're trying to make with this fictitious barber and your god.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Nice try; not good enough though.
The barber is REAL because we can see him but God is nowhere to be seen, right?
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Refusing to believe in a god because "God wouldn't allow [insert tragedy of choice here] to happen" is idiotic.
The fact that there's pain and suffering in the world doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a God--it could just mean that God actually did create man in his own image, and that he loves to watch hatred and anger and jealousy and violence just as much as we do. (E.g., how many TV shows do you know of that depict an idyllic paradise?)
A sensible reason to be an atheist is because there's really not one shred of credible scientific evidence to back up the idea that there is a god. It's just as simple as that.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Barbers are invisible omnipotent beings? I didn't know that. Thanks.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
This story is similiar to the pro-religious statement 'You see a painting, there must be a painter. You see a planet, there must be a creator.'
It's a clever play on words, but proves nothing.
The barber said 'He said he can't believe in a God that would allow such things'.
It's not the barber's job to cut everyone's hair regardless, it's his job to make money to provide for his family. By working for people with no money, he and his family would starve. God certainly isn't going to help them.
It's not god's job to make money, it's his to care for his creations.
He doesn't do that. He's either incompetent, or imaginary.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
I say, fight fire with fire, not cave man clubs.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
This is the most illogical argument I've ever heard. Do you realize you just likened your god to a barber?
Snout said it best.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Oh!...a PARABLE!! clever of you!......well, you've certainly cleared THAT up for ME and millions of other people...we can all just stop doubting now!! should have come along 2000 years ago!...........I UNDERSTAND now!!......yes!!, yes!! your holiness, I get the idea!!!!.........I'm going straight to the nearest rectory and sign up......what a fool I've was!!!
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
So? Now I'm supposed to believe in your god because a barber failed to cut a homeless man's hair?
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
I'll bet there are Christians cringing and saying: Shoosh; please; stop embarrassing us.
There's no way you'd pass the test to become one of us - you just don't have what it takes ... sorry.
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
Yep - you Christians are getting ever more desperate!!!!!
Oh ye of little or weak faith!!!!
Q. for Atheist, All can answer. Ed goes to a Barber %26amp; gets a hair cut. He and the barber talk about many?
hate to break it to you sunshine but most atheists are atheists because there's no evidence your god exists. We use the "why would a god let that happen" to try and show you how bullsh!t your religion is.
we can prove barbers exist.
Barbers are not omnipotent nor omnipresent -you believe your god is. Get the difference?
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