Thursday, November 12, 2009

How can I crimp my hair ?

I have i think a 3/4 curling iron and a straight iron. Are there any special things I can do to get my hair wavy? I don't want it curly . . I hate those big fake curls. I love wavy/messy whatever you want to call it. If you've seen that photoshoot of Kelly Clarkson with the short black wavy hair. She has a red shirt and big dnagling necklaces with what looks like black pearls. And yeah it was in her My December Page Art. I love that shoot and I love her hair in that shoot.

That's how I want mines to be. Yeah my hair is short i just want to know the best way to get that texture!

How can I crimp my hair ?

Here is an got bobby pins? Wet your hair..put gel in it.. then twist small sections and pin then down with the pins..let them dry and it will give you a really awesome bohemian textured look without the grandma roller set curled look LOL!

How can I crimp my hair ?


why would you answer my question so negative?

And don't call me "honey" please.

You told me to leave "your" style alone.

Since when is it your style?

Would you like it if I said "crimping your hair is for posers"


Not trying to be mean here, just telling you that

i don't JUST have to stick to ONE style.

wow... and you call ME a poser.

How can I crimp my hair ?

oh wow.

yea I read your answer to 'marisahh''s question.

You are pretty cold.

Just to let you know, by shopping at Hot Topic doesn't make

you "different" or special.

Many teens shop there trying to be "different" and "unique" Unfortunately many people who shop there think spending $60 on a pair of pants at Hot Topic makes you "rebellious" and "unique" yet spending that much money on a pair of pants at Abercrombie, Hollister or any other "preppy" store makes you a "mindless conformist"

you could shop there because everyone else shops there, or you can not shop there becasuse everyone else shops there.

I personally go there, and I do not believe that I am trying to rebel against anything.

So yea, don't call her a muther freaking poser.

At least she has a variety.

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